Web of Things: The Pursuit of Interoperability in IoT

On December 27th, 2016, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) launched the Web of Things (WoT) Working Group to standardize aspects that the WoT Interest Group, launched 2015, believes are mature enough to progress towards W3C recommendations.

The ultimate goal of the WoT is to create standards by which all IoT devices and platforms can communicate and operate with each other, much like the implementation of the World Wide Web allowed for the spread and vast reach of the Internet. It plans to do this through platform-independent application program interfaces (APIs) and ways for different platforms to operate with each other.

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Web of Things vs Internet of Things

The WoT Working Group Charter establishes four main goals: Thing Description, Scripting API, Binding Templates, and Security and Privacy. It will work with various other relevant W3C Working Groups as well as relevant external groups.


Web of Things: The Pursuit of Interoperability in IoT
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