Cooking Hacks, is the open hardware division of Libelium (the creators of the Waspmote and other wireless sensor devices) and their latest project is an e-Health sensor kit that piggybacks on the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. With the kit and associated documentation they hope to give researchers, developers and artists an easy way to measure biometric sensor data for their projects and inspire a new era of open source medical products for everyone.
Nine different biometric parameters sensors are offered including; pulse, blood pressure, oxygen in blood (SPO2), electrocardiogram (EKG), airflow, glucometer, galvanic skin response (GSR), patient position and body temperature.

“Cooking Hacks provides a cheap, open alternative compared to the proprietary and price-prohibitive medical market solutions available, to inspire makers to develop new applications that help people thrive. Such information can be used to monitor a patient’s state or to collect sensitive data to be analyzed for medical diagnosis. Using different wireless protocols—such as Wi-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth—the information can be sent to a laptop computer, a smartphone or directly to the Cloud for subsequent analysis.” says CTO of Libelium David Gascón

Mobile apps for the iPhone and Android have been created to help users visualize the data in real-time, and a complete kit featuring all of the sensors is available today for €290.
If you are interested in learning more, details and the complete documentation and code samples for the sensors and shield can be found here.