We are in the process of blanketing our planet with billions of networked sensors and actuators.
These devices are embedded in consumer products, industrial systems, and the built and natural environment.
Once connected to each other, and to us, they will fundamentally transform our planet by acting as a single, distributed entity. This "one machine" will reshape social interactions, market dynamics, and "nature" itself.

...by means of electric media, we set up a dynamic by which all previous technologies -- including cities -- will be translated into information systems
Marshall Mcluhan

In the next century, planet earth will don an electronic skin. It will use the Internet as a scaffold to support and transmit its sensations.
Neil Gross

Ubiquitous computing is roughly the opposite of virtual reality,"Where virtual reality puts people inside a computer-generated world, ubiquitous computing forces the computer to live out here in the world with people.
Mark Weiser
Online since 2010, Postscapes has earned its reputation as a leading destination for early adopters and thought leaders in the Internet of Things space.

Top Traffic Driver
A Global Alexa 90,000 site brings together 1000s of clients and providers
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Followed By
@chr1sa, @bruces, @evgenymorozov @simonsegars, @jimheppelmann and other leading thinkers in the industry.
Frame and filter Internet of Things (IoT) products, services & ecosystems.
Facilitate decision-making for businesses and end users in a complex and fragmented marketplace
Our team and contributors are made up of a wide range of tech enthusiasts, landscape architects, engineers, and CEOs/Founders.

Trevor Harwood
[email protected]

Ted Burnham

Todd Greene
Guest Contributor:
CEO PubNub

David Friedman
Guest Contributor:
CEO Ayla Networks

Daniel Lux
Guest Contributor:
CEO Seluxit

Lance Donny
Guest Contributor:
CEO OnFarm
Some positions backing Postscapes
Information is Physical
( See: Cesar Hidalgo (PDF))
API's are the synapses of the One Machine
1% changes are a big deal
(See: GE's 1% resource impacts on industry PDF)
"The cloud is heavy."
James Bridle and others pointing out the massive implications on resource use and privacy of "Internet of Things" infrastructure.
Everything is a node and will act as an agent in the marketplace
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic / nature / garbage
Metcalfe's law & IxD will be a primary driver success.
"Every new sensor creates a new business"