StarChase: Police GPS Tags

To reduce the need for dangerous high-speed car chases, police across the country are utilizing StarChase. A compressed-air unit installed in the grille of a police car loaded with two 4.5-inch GPS projectiles.

When the officer needs to pursue a suspect, they can use an in-car console or remote key fob to discreetly attach GPS tags onto vehicles attempting to flee.

The projectiles are tipped with an industrial-strength adhesive and once attached will relays the car’s coordinates, heading, and speed back to police dispatch every 3 to 5 seconds.

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StarChase is working with more than 15 law enforcement agencies including the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Iowa State Patrol, and the Austin Police Department to test the device. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that about 360 people are killed each year and $1.3B+ in court award damages from 1998-2007 for these chases.


StarChase: Police GPS Tags
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