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About Green Smart Home

As we come to grips with the need to reconcile our limited planetary resources with our need for safe and comfortable homes, we look to an unlikely place.

Smart technology.

Counter intuitively by using more "smart" devices and their connectivity, machine learning, and sensors we can reduce our consumption and optimize what we have.

This oftentimes has an added bonus of saving your wallet some pain via the  reduced usage of vital resources like water, electricity and food production.

What We Do

Smart Green House is part of Postscapes, a site dedicated to showing how smart technology is enabling a circular economy.

Where we live plays a huge role in our overall environmental footprint and we seek to research where resources in your home can be saved and then what smart products can help to facilitate their reduction.

This is for the end goal of turning your home into not just a machine of consumption, but rather one of reuse.

We want to respect your time and budget and not contribute unneeded waste to the system, so we research the best products in the market.

By the Numbers

30+ Buyers Guides

Top smart home products reviewed

150,000 Visitors

Each month visit the site and our content

100s of hours

Researching stats and products

The Team / Contributers

Our team and contributors are made up of a wide range of tech enthusiasts, landscape architects, engineers, and CEOs/Founders.

Trevor Harwood

Trevor Harwood

[email protected]
About Smart Home 3 image

Ted Burnham

Todd Greene

Todd Greene

Guest Contributor:
CEO PubNub
David Friedman

David Friedman

Guest Contributor:
CEO Ayla Networks
Daniel Lux

Daniel Lux

Guest Contributor:
CEO Seluxit
Lance Donny the Founder and CEO of OnFarm

Lance Donny

Guest Contributor:
CEO OnFarm

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